Web Development & Design
Tyler Cox - Opossum Logo


I am a Web Developer at home in the Ozark Mountains ⛰️

I am currently working as a software engineer and constantly find myself coming up with new ideas for front end web development and UI design. Illustration fuels my creativity and I enjoy implementing it into my web designs when possible.

Experience in the field

J.B. Hunt Transport Services, Inc.
Software Engineer, 2018-Present
Use of Angular, Node, and React on a daily basis. Work with UX and Marketing teams to build out public facing web pages and sites. Switching between technologies is crucial in this position due to the variance in the web pages and web related projects for which my team is responsible. Lead developer for all Wordpress related tasks within the Web Dev team.

Education & Achievements

> Harding University
Computer Science, 2013-2017
Bachelor of Computer Science – Minor in Graphic Design

> J.B. Hunt 2nd Annual Hackathon Finalist
Load Management Planner
Competed against 49 teams averaging 3-4 members each (~200 contestants total) over the course of a 48 hour period to create a program that fulfilled the criteria set by J.B. Hunt to improve their internal tech platform. The project went through two judging sessions by technology executives and passed on to become a final contender with 8 other teams.

> J.B. Hunt 3rd Annual Hackathon Community Improvement Award Winner
Company Giving Official Webpage
Competed against 250 contestants on teams averaging 3-4 members each over the course of a 48 hour period. My team and I created a page to fulfill the need to revamp and revitalize the old and outdated company giving site used to help other non-profits and organizations request J.B. Hunt for giving contributions. J.B. Hunt takes giving very seriously, so my team and I set out to make sure we provided a warm and welcoming place to accommodate these requests. Due to our efforts, my team was awarded with the Community Improvement award where we were recognized company-wide.

> Eagle Scout
BSA - Boy Scouts of America
Acquired highest award for leadership in the scouting program.



Bozbark is a blog with "Curated information about self-reliance, doing things that are meaningful, and staying connected to reality in a digital world." Created with Gatsby, this project uses markdown files as a source for each blog post, making it purely a front-end project.

bozbark screenshot
Hex Buddy

Hex Buddy is an app built as a tool for personal games of tabletop RPGs. It reads data from a JSON object and displays the data to the screen based on search parameters indicated in a search bar correlating with a specific location on a predetermined hexagonal map. All images used on the site are from external sources. In a later use case, this could easily be modified to retrieve a JSON object from an API of similar structure in order to allow for database storage of location data.

hexbuddy screenshot
Service Master Medical

Worked with Service Master Medical to update their old site. The owner of the site was looking for a simple site solution, so a static site was created that showcased all of their products. Specific images were used as requested by the owner of Service Master Medical. A new color scheme and logo were created for this project as well. This project was heavily collaborative and resulted in a custom site tailored to the owner's requests. Technologies used to build the site were AngularJS, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Yeoman, Grunt, Sass, Gulp, and Heroku.

Service Master Medical screenshot

A site created for the Greyborough homestead. The site was designed to be a hub for the owner's of Greyborough to place all of the social media links and to tell their story to anyone who was interested in what they did. The site consisted of design work such as logo creation, website layout and color scheme, as well as some photography. The technologies used to build the Greyborogh site consisted of AngularJS, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Yeoman, Grunt, Sass, Gulp, and Heroku.

Greyborough screenshot


Feel free to contact me with any questions. I would love to help!

I am available for certain freelance projects.

Tyler Cox coxtdc@gmail.com